Corporate Executives
Permanent Chairmen

John Jay


Chief Executive Officer

A former commander, President of eSingapore, and well known businessman, John Jay is the "Authority" behind Tennessee Valley Authority. He directly manages all executive actions and TVA Corporate.



Chief Financial Officer

The financial megalith of the New World, Jewitt is the eWorld's "person to know" when it comes to anything based on economics. He directly manages the Bank of Commerce and all TVA Group financial affairs.



Chief Management Officer

An internationally respected politician and military strategist, Kyle is the silent partner behind all of TVA Group's actions. He oftentimes is found popping in for an occasional visit or to yell obscenities.

Board Members
Advisers to the Chairmen and Associated Staff

Cstar Jay
Assistant General Manager

Lieutenant in the United States Marine Core and the Clerk of the eUnited States Courts, Cstar Jay is a micromanager from the heavens and assists in all management duties.
Gaius Julius
Vice Financial Officer

A former Party President, Congress member, and current Vice Officer, Mr. Julius is the fiscal voice and loan authority of the Bank of Commerce and TVA Group as a whole.
Financial Consultant

An avid politico and journalist, Mr. Rayne is an opinionated voice in eAmerica and assists in all financial maneuvers and decisions made by TVA Group and the Bank of Commerce.

Board of Trustees
A representative board of various trusted associates

To Be Appointed
Mutual Fund Representative
A Mutual Fund Representative represents the Authority Mutual Fund's investors in the executive branches of TVA Group.

Scott Coyle
Public Relations Specialist
Mr. Coyle is a well known logo-making website-forging guru and assists in the advertisement of TVA Group services, products, and businesses.

To Be Appointed
Auxiliary Associate
An Auxiliary Associate is chosen based on the needs of TVA Group and may have any specialty.

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